What are Landing Pages?

Landing pages are a key component of online marketing campaigns. A landing page is a specially designed to generate sales or capture leads. Landing pages are often the main destination of paid online marketing campaigns, and a lot of money and resources are spent driving traffic to these pages. Space Coast Domains designs its landing pages with this in mind.

Why landing page optimization matters for your online business..

Since landing pages are focused on conversions, improving their performance can lead to significant improvements in business results. That’s where LPO comes in.

What is landing page optimization? (LPO)

Landing page optimization (LPO) is the process of improving elements on a website to increase conversions. Landing page optimization is a subset of conversion rate optimization (CRO), and involves using methods such as A/B testing to improve the conversion goals of a given landing page.

Optimizing a landing page ensures that you achieve the highest possible conversion rate from the visitors who arrive at that landing page. Landing page optimization can help you lower your customer acquisition costs, acquire more customers and maximize the value of your ad spend.

How to get started with landing page optimization 

When getting started with LPO,  Space Coast Domains considers all the following steps of the sales conversion funnel which includes two distinct steps: optimizing different traffic sources and playing around with on-page elements.

Optimizing for different traffic sources - Potential website traffic that came by clicking on a paid search ad (e.g., Google Adwords) will perform differently than traffic that came from social media ad spend.

Playing around with on-page elements - These are the more commonly discussed landing page optimization tips that you read about and include things like testing different value propositions, changing form fields and including more social proof.

Space Coast Domains has the knowledge, expertise and experience to bring your site to the next level of Landing Page Optimization.